A KAB hírei
- A Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe: Szathmáry Eörs
- A Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe: Kövér György, Poppe László
- A Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe: Gábos100
- A Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe: Marosi György
- 15. Matematika és informatika alkalmazásokkal konferencia
- A Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe Temesváron
- A Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe
- Bolyai-Bartók-Kós kerekasztal
- Tehetséggondozó Médiatábor
- Trans-linguistica VII: Applied Linguistics in the Age of AI
- 150 éves a kolozsvári magyar földrajzoktatás
- Vetésforgó 30. A klasszikus magyar irodalom kutatóinak jubileumi találkozója Kolozsváron
- New Tendencies in Architectural and Archaeological Investigation of Castles in Central Europe
- A Játéktér színházszakmai folyóirat rendezvényei a 15. dráMA kortárs színházi találkozón
- XI. Neurológus továbbképző
- A fordító mint kultúra- és irodalomközvetítő - Nemzetközi tudományos konferencia
- Kolozs megye díszpolgára lett Uray Zoltán biológus, vívó, az MTA külső tagja
- A 95 éves Egyed Ákos történészt díjazták a KMN nyitógáláján
Felhívás ösztöndíjpályázatra
Call for applications: Szent-Gyorgyi Young Investigator Award
The New York Hungarian Scientific Society (http://nymtt.org), whose membership consists of Hungarian scientists working in the greater New York area
(NYHSS), is accepting applications for the Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Young Investigator Award, supporting original research by a Hungarian scientist living in a European country.
The application is open for graduate students pursuing a doctoral degree, or scientists under age 35 with a doctorate in the fields of natural and/or medical sciences.
The award is $5,000 USD. This is an unrestricted fund and can be used for research or private expenses.
The application should contain a one-page summary of the research carried out, a one-page CV with a separate list of publications, and a short (maximum five minutes) video explaining why the applicant should receive the award. The application as well as the video should be in English.
The application should be sent by email to NYHSS (tudosklub@gmail.com) by December 5, 2015. The video should be available online (e.g. on YouTube), and the link provided. The award will be announced on December 9th by Prof. Abel Lajtha, student of the Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, and will be featured on the website of NYHSS.
Call for applications: Szent-Gyorgyi Young Investigator Award
The New York Hungarian Scientific Society (http://nymtt.org), whose membership consists of Hungarian scientists working in the greater New York area
(NYHSS), is accepting applications for the Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Young Investigator Award, supporting original research by a Hungarian scientist living in a European country.
The application is open for graduate students pursuing a doctoral degree, or scientists under age 35 with a doctorate in the fields of natural and/or medical sciences.
The award is $5,000 USD. This is an unrestricted fund and can be used for research or private expenses.
The application should contain a one-page summary of the research carried out, a one-page CV with a separate list of publications, and a short (maximum five minutes) video explaining why the applicant should receive the award. The application as well as the video should be in English.
The application should be sent by email to NYHSS (tudosklub@gmail.com) by December 5, 2015. The video should be available online (e.g. on YouTube), and the link provided. The award will be announced on December 9th by Prof. Abel Lajtha, student of the Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, and will be featured on the website of NYHSS.