A KAB hírei
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- 15. Matematika és informatika alkalmazásokkal konferencia
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Lessons From Metropolitan Region Building: Socio-spatial Polarisation and Territorial Development in Central and Eastern Europe
We hereby kindly invite you to attend the workshop entitled:
taking place in Cluj-Napoca, on November 9th and 10th, 2012
Location: Hall of the Universitas Hotel, Pandurilor Street, No.7
All researchers, professors, practitioners, decision makers and others interested in the topic of the workshop are welcome to attend. As places are limited, we can only ensure the participation of formerly registered individuals. In this sense we would appreciate if you sent us the filled in registration form which you can find below to the following e-mail address until the 1st of November 2012, the latest:
Participant information
Last (family) name |
First name |
Scientific/Academic title |
Profession |
Organization/ institution name
name |
Address of organization |
Phone |
City |
Country |
For internal participants there is a fee of 35 RON to be paid in cash which includes lunch and coffee breaks on the conference day.
We welcome you to Cluj!
THURSDAY, November 8
Arriving of participants
Informal dinner at Restaurant (tba – self paid)
FRIDAY, November 9
9:00, Welcome of participants, Introductions
9:30-10:10: Thilo Lang (IfL), Ibolya Török (UBB): Lessons from metropolitan region building in Central and Eastern Europe: European metropolitan policies, socio-spatial polarisation and territorial development, Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde, Leipzig (Germany), Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
10:10-10:30: Response, Discussion
10:30-11:10: Benedek Jozsef, Cristea Marius (UBB): Application of the growth pole concept and the metropolitisation process in post-socialist Romania, Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
11:10-11:30: Response, Discussion
11:30-11:50: Coffee Break
11:50-12:30: Kovacs Zoltan (MTA): Changing Role of National Policies in the Territorial Development of Budapest Metropolitan Region, University of Szeged/Hungarian Academy of Science
12:30-12:50: Response, Discussion
12:50-13.30: Tomasz Kaczmarek, Őukasz MikuŐ‚a (AMU): Creating metropolitan regions in Poland: between central government’s rhetoric and local practice, Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management, PoznaŐ„ (Poland)
13:30-13:50: Response, Discussion
13:50-16:00: Lunch
16:00-16:40: Mariusz CzepczyŐ„ski (GU): Metropolitan discourses of power, ambitions and hopes. Between regional and global – the emerging metropolitan regions in Poland. University of GdaŐ„sk, Institute of Geography Spatial Management Department (Poland)
16:40-17:00: Response, Discussion
17:00-17:40: Tassilo Herrschel (WU): Regions and Regional Policies between Spatial Cohesion and Fragmentation: Moving Towards a Post-Regionalist Perspective and Agenda in the EU(?); University of Westminster (UK)
17:40-18:00: Response, Discussion
18:00-18:20: Coffee Break
18:20-19:00: Judit Timár, Gábor Nagy (MTA): Changing “metropolitan” – “non-metropolitan” relations in the perceived and conceived spaces of Hungary, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (Hungary)
19:00-19:20: Response, Discussion
19:20-20:00: Conclusion of the workshop
We hereby kindly invite you to attend the workshop entitled:
taking place in Cluj-Napoca, on November 9th and 10th, 2012
Location: Hall of the Universitas Hotel, Pandurilor Street, No.7
All researchers, professors, practitioners, decision makers and others interested in the topic of the workshop are welcome to attend. As places are limited, we can only ensure the participation of formerly registered individuals. In this sense we would appreciate if you sent us the filled in registration form which you can find below to the following e-mail address until the 1st of November 2012, the latest:
Participant information
Last (family) name |
First name |
Scientific/Academic title |
Profession |
Organization/ institution name
name |
Address of organization |
Phone |
City |
Country |
For internal participants there is a fee of 35 RON to be paid in cash which includes lunch and coffee breaks on the conference day.
We welcome you to Cluj!
THURSDAY, November 8
Arriving of participants
Informal dinner at Restaurant (tba – self paid)
FRIDAY, November 9
9:00, Welcome of participants, Introductions
9:30-10:10: Thilo Lang (IfL), Ibolya Török (UBB): Lessons from metropolitan region building in Central and Eastern Europe: European metropolitan policies, socio-spatial polarisation and territorial development, Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde, Leipzig (Germany), Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
10:10-10:30: Response, Discussion
10:30-11:10: Benedek Jozsef, Cristea Marius (UBB): Application of the growth pole concept and the metropolitisation process in post-socialist Romania, Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
11:10-11:30: Response, Discussion
11:30-11:50: Coffee Break
11:50-12:30: Kovacs Zoltan (MTA): Changing Role of National Policies in the Territorial Development of Budapest Metropolitan Region, University of Szeged/Hungarian Academy of Science
12:30-12:50: Response, Discussion
12:50-13.30: Tomasz Kaczmarek, Őukasz MikuŐ‚a (AMU): Creating metropolitan regions in Poland: between central government’s rhetoric and local practice, Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management, PoznaŐ„ (Poland)
13:30-13:50: Response, Discussion
13:50-16:00: Lunch
16:00-16:40: Mariusz CzepczyŐ„ski (GU): Metropolitan discourses of power, ambitions and hopes. Between regional and global – the emerging metropolitan regions in Poland. University of GdaŐ„sk, Institute of Geography Spatial Management Department (Poland)
16:40-17:00: Response, Discussion
17:00-17:40: Tassilo Herrschel (WU): Regions and Regional Policies between Spatial Cohesion and Fragmentation: Moving Towards a Post-Regionalist Perspective and Agenda in the EU(?); University of Westminster (UK)
17:40-18:00: Response, Discussion
18:00-18:20: Coffee Break
18:20-19:00: Judit Timár, Gábor Nagy (MTA): Changing “metropolitan” – “non-metropolitan” relations in the perceived and conceived spaces of Hungary, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (Hungary)
19:00-19:20: Response, Discussion
19:20-20:00: Conclusion of the workshop